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AOFKA21 Conference
Hygiene Concept

Hygiene concept: before, during and after the conference

1. Status quo:
According to the Corona Protection Ordinance of the State of Saxony (https://www.coronavirus.sachsen.de/amtliche-bekanntmachungen.html), §14 permits the holding of our scientific meeting in presence again if the seven-day incidence falls below the threshold of 100. However, testing is still required for indoor meetings, conventions, and trade shows. If the incidence is below 50, the use of catering establishments is possible according to §12 indoors with a hygiene concept and contact recording.

2. Participation in the event:
The basis for participation in our events is that the hygiene regulations and distances are observed. All our employees, team members, speakers and participants are bound to comply with these regulations. Persons with pre-existing conditions or belonging to other risk groups are asked to consult a doctor if necessary; the responsibility for this lies with everyone. The decision about the final participation in the event is also the responsibility of the participants. If it is not possible for participants to wear a medical mask (surgical mask) for reasons certified by a doctor, you can contact us before registering.

3. Before the event:
Only participants who have registered and agreed on this hygiene concept before the start of the event will be admitted, so that any follow-up questioning or contact tracing by the health department can be made possible. The actual attendance will be documented on site (attendance lists at the reception). Due to regulatory requirements, it is mandatory to provide a contact telephone number. In the event of an infection, the data will be requested from the responsible health office. This is necessary for reasons of traceability of infection chains. This data will be treated confidentially and will be destroyed by us 4 weeks after the end of the event (9 November 2021). We recommend all external participants to contact their hotel in advance to enable a telephone check-in if necessary. This will reduce the waiting time at the hotel and the stay at the reception will be shortened to the shortest possible time.

4. Your arrival:
The participants are responsible for their own arrival. The applicable distance regulations and hygiene conditions (during that time) must be observed. At present, the wearing of a respiratory protection mask (FFP2) is obligatory when using public transport. If you arrive by car, parking spaces are usually available at the hotels we recommend. Please inform yourself in good time about alternatives, should the parking spaces of the hotel be occupied. For our scientific event will take place in the Clemens-Winkler Building of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Leipziger Stra?e 29, 09599 Freiberg. It is therefore recommended to use public transport to get to the conference venue. Many of the recommended hotels are also located about 1km away from the conference venue.

5. Prerequisite for participation in the AOFKA21 event is:
A negative test, i.e. a certificate of a negative test from an approved test center, not older than 48 hours. In addition to the municipal test centers in Freiberg, the test center Mensa of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg can also be used.
an immunization and the absence of typical symptoms of an infection, i.e. a complete vaccination (at least 14 days ago) or a certificate of a survived Covid-19 infection, at least 28 days and max. 6 months ago (recovery certificate needed).

Test results or immunizations will be noted on the contact tracking sheet and destroyed after 4 weeks. Hands must also be washed thoroughly before entering the conference venue. Disinfectants are also available at the meeting site.

6. During the conference:
Keep distance: The different areas, such as conference office, checkroom, exhibitors' area, poster session, catering stations as well as the lecture hall are distributed in the Clemens-Winkler Bau (CWB) to avoid crowding (see layout plan). Table and seating arrangements may not be changed arbitrarily.
Conference Office and Cloakroom: Registration and tracking data will be taken in advance to ensure a quick check-in. While observing the distances with a waiting area in front of the Clemens-Winkler building (CWB), the participants will be admitted in a one-way-street principle and guided to the checkroom by information signs.
Exhibitor area: the exhibitors will be located in the foyer of the Clemens-Winkler building and compliance with spacing and disinfection rules (see 6.3 below).
Poster session: Two poster sessions will be held in the second level of the CWB according to the side map.
Coffe and cake stations: Beverages will be available at several serving stations during breaks. Along with 30-minute break times, crowding will be kept to a minimum.
Lecture Hall: Lectures will be held in the lecture hall of the Clemens-Winkler building. Seating is arranged to maintain the specified minimum distance. destroyed within weeks. Hands must also be washed thoroughly before entering the conference venue. Disinfectants are also available at the meeting site.

Wear masks: Depending on the actual rules during the time of the event, wearing a medical mask (surgical mask) or a higher-quality mask (respirator mask FFP2) might be mandatory in all rooms occupied by us, the corridors and toilets of the CWB, because the distance rules cannot necessarily be observed there. If there is a risk of "grouping" in any area, the appropriate spacing must be maintained. The medical mask (surgical mask or higher quality) must be worn tightly over the mouth and nose at all times and changed when wet through; it should not be touched in the filter area while being worn or when being put on or taken off. The obligation to wear a medical mask (or higher quality) exists regardless of compliance with a minimum distance throughout the event. Speakers are exempt from the obligation during the lecture activity if the distance to the persons in the room is maintained.

Testing: For the safety of all participants, it is recommended to be tested once a day. If a test shows a positive result for participants or speakers, there is an obligation to take a PCR test as soon as possible and to inform the conference office immediately about the result. The event will be cancelled immediately. All participants/speakers must go into quarantine and inform their local health authorities.
Further information on ensuring distance rules and hygiene conditions will be explained on site by organizers and staff of the conference office.

6.1 Exceptions:
Exceptions to these regulations are only possible according to point 2. Refusal to wear at least a medical mask (exception only according to point 2) or to perform the tests properly will result in immediate exclusion from the event, with the full costs being charged. The conference office must be informed.

6.2 Ventilations:
Regular ventilation of the rooms, if possible shock ventilation/cross ventilation with wide open windows, is generally carried out to improve the air quality. This must be done taking into account possible accident hazards. Ventilation at the beginning/end of a lecture session is possible, for example. Organizers of the event are responsible for this. Air exchange must take place. The time required for this depends on the spatial conditions, e.g. the possibility of cross-ventilation. If the rooms are externally ventilated (air conditioning, etc.), it can be assumed that there is sufficient air exchange and no further measures need to be taken.

6.3 Maintenance cleaning and disinfecting cleaning of surfaces :
Regular cleaning of rooms and surfaces with which participants may regularly come into contact is carried out according to the respective cleaning schedule of TU Bergakademie Freiberg. This cleaning is carried out at least within the framework of the official requirements.

6.4 Food and beverages :
For the provision of food and beverages at the event location, in the mensa and restaurant, there are extensive requirements on the part of the authorities. In the run-up to the event, the organizers and staff of the conference office will explain the most important points in this regard and address the local conditions.